types of insurance:
Types of insurance to consider for business.: An article from: San Fernando Valley Business Journal
Cafeteria plans offer flexible insurance options: This type of insurance coverage may benefit small-business owners and their employees.(Brief Article): An article from: Alaska Business Monthly
Melanoma care varies by region, insurance type.(Skin Disoders): An article from: Family Practice News
Two kinds of Insurance
There are two different kinds of insurance - life insurance and general insurance.
With life insurance you don't renew your policy each year. Instead, you agree to pay a fixed premium for a set number of years. In other words you enter a long-term commitment when you buy a life insurance policy.
What is the Difference?
General insurance pays out:
* if a car has an accident or is stolen;
* if a house catches fire or is burgled;
* if a holiday has to be cancelled;
* if someone is careless and damages other people's property.
Most life policies, on the other hand, pay out when an event happens;
* when someone dies;
* when someone survives beyond a specific date.
Anyone can buy life insurance but, of course, the premium will depend on your age, your health, and your occupation.
Husbands and wives can insure each other's lives. However, you cannot insure the lives of other people unless you have a financial involvement in their life. This principle of insurance is called "insurable interest".
There are many different types of insurance:
You are unlikely to need every single one of these, so read around, choose carefully and remember to read the small print.
* Travel: Holidays can be dangerous occasions - especially abroad. If someone falls ill it is much more difficult than it would be at home to cope with the situation. Medical treatment is expensive. More here.
* Household contents and building insurance: Contents insurance covers the contents of a home such as furniture, carpets, clothes, television, refrigerators, jewellery and so on. In other words, what you would take with you if you moved. Buildings insurance protects against damage to the actual structure of the home and to its fixtures and fittings. Contents and buildings policies can be bought separately or together in one package. More here.
* Car insurance: Most people know something about motor insurance. This is because any vehicle driven on public roads must have a certain level of insurance. The Road Traffic Act ensures that drivers must meet liabilities they incur should they injure other people or cause damage in an accident. More here.
Life insurance: A means of providing for your dependents should you die early, but also a way to save cash through endowment policies or similar.
* Private medical insurance: This covers the costs of private medical treatment for curable short-term illness or injury. It means that should you become ill you could be treated immediately privately rather than being put on an NHS waiting list. More here.
* Critical illness insurance: This allows you to insure your income/ health were you to become too ill to work later on in life, and protects any dependents/ loved ones from the financial consequences of such unexpected events. More here.
* Accident, sickness and unemployment cover: According to Moneyextra: "In 1999, 30,000 properties were re-possessed by mortgage lenders... Many lost their homes because they could no longer afford to pay their mortgage payments through an accident, sickness or unemployment." If you are planning on buying a house it may be sensible to think about getting some mortgage payment protection insurance.
* Pet insurance: This basically helps you foot the vet's bills if your pet gets poorly. By paying regularly into an insurance policy it means you have paid for the bill gradually rather than having to find the money for a steep bill when you can least afford it. More here.
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